This saturday, the foundation «Down Madrid» organized a race of 2,5 km in the parc Juan Carlos I for people who suffer from Down’s syndrome, also called trisomy 21. For this 4th edition, they were more or less 3500 to participate in. A real success according to the foundation, which celebrated its 25th anniversary at the same time. In the Inés Alvarez’s opinion, the foundation’s president, the sport allows to these people to get a social inclusion. That’s the reason why she wants to organize that kind of event.
Científicos del NYU crean el primer cromosoma artificial
Un grupo de científicos europeos y norteamericanos de la Universidad de Nueva York (NYU) han logrado crear el primer cromosoma artificial del mundo. Es la primera vez en la historia que se ha logrado crear ADN sintético desde cero. Este logro podrá ayudar en un futuro no muy lejano a prevenir muchas enfermedades relacionadas con […]