Categoría: 03. Debates from the Observatory

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: US Foreign Policy

Some programs ago we were judging Donald Trump’s period in office, so now we will focus our attention on one specific aspect of it: US foreign policy in the last four years. It is obvious that the country has shifted from an interventionist role in foreign affairs to a more isolationist position, clearly inspired by […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: «Paris Agreement»

Here comes a program that instead of focusing on what has been on the news in the past weeks, is going to analyse a problem that has been present in our lives for decades: global warming. In 2016, the leading countries met at Paris to sing and agreement that was a turning point in Western […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: «Donald Trump’s presidency»

It is one month now since we started to receive huge amounts of news and information about US elections. Regardless of the final result, though it is quite clear that Joe Biden will become the new president of the country, it is necessary for us to judge Donald Trump from an objective perspective, not letting […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Obervatory: «COVID 19 and female leadership»

COVID-19 seems to focus a lot of attention in this new season of “Debates from the Observatory”, which makes sense since we are studying issues of current international affairs. Today we will approach it from a totally different perspective: to what point can we argue that female leadership has proved more effective to deal with […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: «COVID-19 and Spanish lockdown»

March 11th 2020 is a turning point in Spanish recent History: the government declared national lockdown to fight COVID-19. Since then, there is an intense debate about the decision: was the government acting effectively to make deaths and contagions go down? Should it have reacted before? Was the initiative an economic suicide? We are afraid […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: «China And The Global Crisis»

For different reasons, China has called on the attention of international affairs in recent decades. Firstly, it has remained a Communist dictatorship despite the fact that it has transformed its economic structure in a way that has turned it into one of the leading superpowers in the World. Secondly, it is the place where the […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: European illegal migration

Migration is an issue that will not disappear from the international scenario in the short term. Since more and more people seem to agree with xenophobic discourses, it is relevant for us to reflect a little more on the topic. That is why Carlos Álvarez and Shreejana KC will discuss on the topic today.

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: Syrian war

The last conflicto that we are addressing in this season is the Syrian war. Sadly, it is the only episode of the Arab Spring (2011) that still stays alive, as the international and geopolitical interests at stake are too complex for the war to come to an easy solution in the next years. Sara C., […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: Is Israel a legitimate state?

The conflict in the Holy Land and the Palestinian territories goes back to 1947, when the UK terminated its protectorate over the area in order to give the Israelis and the Palestinians the chance to decide on their fate. Unfortunately, after seven decades of continuous conflict, the situation seems far from reaching a solution. Lydia, […]

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