Categoría: 03. Debates from the Observatory

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: The Yemeni crisis

Yemen has recently become one of the main focus of conflict in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Iran, the UK, the US… have conflicting interests involved in the area, that make peace seem rather impossible. Today Yasmin, Mariam, Alejandra, Gonzalo and Agustin will sum up the main positions around the conflict.

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: The healthcare system: public or private?

In this program we do not discuss only issues of international politics, but also problems and topics that are present in the minds of everyone. One leading discussion has to do with public healthcare: should it be mandatory for governments? Or is it an unnecessary expense that states should leave up to private initiative? Marina, […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: Mexican migration to the US

In the last years migration has become a relevant issue in international politics. The topic is especially controverted in those places were unstable borders exist, the frontier between the US and Mexico being one of them. Today Noelia, Iris, Fátima, Perrine and Sophie will discuss the topic, analyzing the main arguments that defenders and opposers […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: Syrian War And R2P:

In today’s program, Waad Ahmed is going to tell us about the Syrian War and what the international attitude towards it should be. A very interesting topic, provided that just now ISIS is losing strength and territories and the Syrian War, according to some observers, seems close to the end.

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: Populism

In the last weeks we have been addressing the rise of populism in different specific cases: Donald Trump and Republicanism in the US, far-right and Bolsonaro in Brazil, ultra-conservative parties in Europe… But to this day we are still missing a deep analysis of populism as a whole, connecting the phenomenon to the supposed crisis […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: Global warming and greenhouse effect

“Debates from the observatory” moves far from politics today, in order to address a very important issue: global warming and greenhouse effect. Is it a reality that shows the point to which humankind has stressed the Planet, or is it just something that politicians and social movements have made up to harm specific economic and […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: Donald Trump’s Victory

Today, we will discuss about a very recent phenomenon that has shocked everyone from every political and ideological scope: Donald Trump’s victory in the US election in 2016. It is clear that President Trump represents the Republican Party, but can we consider him as a paradigm of Republicanism in the US? And what is even […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: The Refugee Crisis In Europe

We have just finished discussing the rise of the far-right parties when now we must address another phenomenon that is related to it: the refugee crisis in Europe. In recent times we have become familiar with news of thousands of people dying in the Mediterranean; we have seen people escaping their home countries just because […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates From The Observatory: Jaïr Bolsonaro

If last week we were discussing on the rise of the right-wing in Europe and around the World, today we will focus on a peculiar case: Jaïr Bolsonaro’s recent victory in Brazil. Nemo Delangle and Tamara Mendes will explain the phenomenon of his victory, considering recent political, economic, and social development of the country. Facing […]

03. Debates from the Observatory
Debates from the Observatory: The rising of extreme right-wing parties

Today, we will analyze the context and the consequences of the rising of extreme right-wing parties in Europe, and in Latin America. On the one hand, Raquel Almendros and Alejandro Ruiz will explain the phenomenon, and they will also justify the ascent of that political option. On the other hand, Nikolai Diadenko and Nagore Portillo […]

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