We have just finished discussing the rise of the far-right parties when now we must address another phenomenon that is related to it: the refugee crisis in Europe. In recent times we have become familiar with news of thousands of people dying in the Mediterranean; we have seen people escaping their home countries just because of political, ethnic, economic… and other reasons. Not all western countries are happy to welcome refugees, thus provoking a humanitarian crisis, as well as a very intense political debate. In today’s program, Karla Kuokkanen will try to understand the role of the refugees, whereas Gellért Kovács and Ahmed Abdullah will try to explain their own position towards the control of migration.
El Análisis Político, 2-III-16
Programa presentado y dirigido por el profesor José María Peredo, en el que se repasan las noticias más relevantes de la actualidad internacional, y se mantiene una tertulia sobre dichos temas con alumnos de la asignatura de Relaciones Internacionales y con algunos expertos que acuden como invitados al estudio.