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Expressing Power and Managing Politics

Once again, the students of Universidad Europea de Madrid, are fortunate enough to count with coach and consultant Michael Wenderoth as a speaker for a Materclass englobing main ideas and advice on expressing power and managing politics.

With no doubt, those of us who attended the masterclass enriched our knowledge about how we can improve our image in order to make the most of our efforts and achieve success. It all begins with a simple question, «What would I want to be remembered for the day of my funeral?» which in essence consists of working on our introspection so we have at least have a superficial idea of where we want to focus our goals.

It’s important, and backed up by research that we work on how others perceive us, first impressions are made within the first 30 to 60 seconds of meeting someone, we ought be aware of this so we can turn it in our favour. Finding what is the right attitude we want to portray, and excelling at portraying it with the way we express ourselves with our body language. If we appear a certain way people will react to this and therefore treat us accordingly which aids us in creating that outside image we want to be perceived as.

Networking is key «80% of jobs are through networking» and having a good network of connections is also linked with portraying the appropriate attitude. Also we musn’t forget we are always going to have to face opposition, and the way we face this opposition can work in our favour (or against us). It’s important that we learn to see opportunities, someone that may appear as opposition, can «become a mentor» can aid us with their reputation  –»Take risks, if you never ask for the opportunity you will never get it. Whats the worst that could happen? That you get a NO»

Even if we don’t like politics it’s important that we understand them, corporations and firms in general work through politics, therefore we might as well «be smart» and learn to «play the game» in order to make life easier for ourselves when it comes to reaching our career goals. We must see beyond the surface and train the eye to broaden our interests and find opportunity.


Liam Alexandra Aronow

Twitter: @liam_alexandra


Sobre el Autor

Campus de Villaviciosa de Odón - Madrid

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